India H2 Monitor – May 2021


  • IH2A Steering Group co-leads Chart Industries and RIL will join 30 industry and policy leaders to discuss ‘Clean Energy and Renewables-EV-Hydrogen Pathway’ for India at South Asia New Energy Series organised by TERI and FTI Consulting in June. The first session on June 3 will be opened by Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog, Government of India, in the presence of HE Mr. Ugo Astuto, Ambassador of the EU to India and Soren Gade, Chair, European Parliament Delegation for Relations with India. Link
  • The Energy Resources Institute (TERI), India’s leading energy research institute has joined IH2A as Partner to help build hydrogen economy in India.


  • PLI Scheme May Extend to Electrolysers, NITI Aayog: Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog has said that government may extend the production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for manufacturing electrolysers, which will drop the electrolyser prices and make green hydrogen competitive vis-а-vis fossil fuels by 2030. This would give India the opportunity to be a global champion in green hydrogen and make it a net exporter to Japan, Korea, and Australia. India is also working to leverage its compressed natural gas (CNG) pipeline grid and infrastructure to reduce the transportation cost for the new age emission free fuel. Link
  • Delhi High Court Asks DHI to Consider Including HFCV Under FAME II: The Delhi High Court has directed the Department of Heavy Industries to consider including Hydrogen Fuel Cell electric vehicles and Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure under the scheme for Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India Phase II (FAME India Phase II). Hydrogen could be an opportunity for India to become a global leader in clean energy. Link
  • India-U.K. Partnership on Green H2: India and UK have unveiled an ambitious 10-year roadmap to boost cooperation in key areas, including defence, security, healthcare, and climate. Under the purview of ‘Climate’ – both countries have agreed to deepen the India-UK Partnership on Green Hydrogen - including through promoting knowledge exchange, policy and regulation cooperation, research, and innovation. They have further agreed to explore new cooperation in areas including Green Hydrogen, Green Steel and on Battery Manufacturing and Innovation. Link
  • Indian Oil Makes a Big Push for Hydrogen Fuel Cell EVs: Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL), a state-owned company is making strong moves to branch out into the production of alternative fuels. In a recent virtual conclave, Mr. Shrikant Madhav Vaidya, Chairman of IOCL emphasized on IOCL’s commitment to use of hydrogen in multiple sectors. IOCL will roll out 50 hydrogen buses from its Haryana and Gujarat refineries and will subsidize the price of hydrogen to make it commercially viable. Indian Oil is also looking to partner with auto companies for hydrogen FCEV projects. Link


  • IEA Roadmap Includes Hydrogen as Key Pillar of Decarbonisation: The report recognizes hydrogen as one of the key pillars for decarbonisation and highlights areas that could be particularly helpful, such as: advanced batteries, electrolyzers for hydrogen, and direct air capture and storage. This includes hydrogen use in industry and in refineries and power plants, and the blending of hydrogen into natural gas for distribution to end‐users.
  • G7 virtual meeting on  global zero-carbon initiatives: G7 countries, including Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the US have agreed to phase out government funding for fossil fuel projects internationally in support of cleaner fuels such as hydrogen. 
  • UK announces funding package for green technology and employment in UK: The U.K. Energy Minister announced a new green investment package which will include development of technologies in carbon capture, greenhouse gas removal and hydrogen, while also helping find solutions to decarbonise the UK’s polluting sectors including manufacturing, steel, energy and waste.
  • UK to move away from colours in hydrogen strategy: The UK's strategy around hydrogen production will not be blue or green but will consider carbon intensity as the primary factor in market development. BEIS noted a significant amount of low carbon hydrogen - between 250-460 TWh) was needed by 2050 to meet Net Zero targets.
  • Spain to invest 1.5 billion euros in 'green hydrogen': Spain will spend from a European Union recovery fund to develop green hydrogen production over the next three years. The goal is for Spain to become Europe's leading hydrogen producer using renewable sources instead of fossil fuels to curb greenhouse gas emissions and create jobs.
  • Bloomberg Intelligence releases new report on hydrogen revolution: Investments in hydrogen are set to surge, according to a new report from Bloomberg Intelligence (BI). During 2018 - 2020, investments averaged approximately US$1.5 billion a year, Bloomberg data shows. This will likely increase to US$38 billion per annum during 2019 - 2040 and US$181 billion annually during 2041 - 2070, according to International Energy Agency (IEA) projections.