This industry white paper has been prepared in anticipation of the significant green hydrogen and derivatives’ project development and production, which is expected to fuel low-carbon green fuels for heavy-duty transport , specifically in long-haul trucking, shipping and aviation. This is a preliminary view, based on some assumptions on fleet offtake and industry inputs gathered by India Hydrogen Alliance (IH2A). It does not consider eFuels or green hydrogen derivatives exports as transport fuel. In summary, potential Domestic Transport eFuels Market Assessment 2030 by volume, may be estimated as follows, with the accompanying assumptions about offtake fleets and scale:
1) Green Methanol (Shipping & Trucking) – 194 mn ltrs (22 3000-TEU Vessels, 30 10-tonne Trucks)
2) Green Ammonia (Shipping & Trucking) – 263 mn ltrs (22 3000-TEU Vessels, 30 10-tonne Trucks)
3) LH2 + CGH2 Hydrogen (Trucking) – 19500 kgs (without LH2 storage)- 30 FC Trucks
4) Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) – 15-45 mn ltrs. based on 1-3% blending on 74 flights (intl, dom)
To read more, click on the link below:
IH2A India Green Hydrogen Equipment and Services Market Opportunity 2030 - White Paper - Oct 2023